To continue our journey with Angular, i created a special kata to help dive deeper in the Angular framework. We will be developing an e-commerce application with two pages but full of special tips and tricks.
When finished, the application should look like this: Ng-MarketPlace

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Since Angular’s official release in September 2016, a lot of ink has been spilled over the ground-up rewrite of AngularJS.
While the quantity of informations is huge, it seldom addresses tips on how to solve specific problems. This has led me to write this serie of posts about my journey with Angular.
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Since the beginning of time, hierarchy existed almost everywhere from small families to large companies and even in criminal organizations. Wherever you go, there is someone in charge of taking decisions while others simply execute them. It seems like a proper way to instaure order and move forward. However, i think we haven’t taken a moment to ask ourselves if this is the best way to do so?
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Cleaning up old files is an incredebly annoying operation. It’s time consuming and might result into errors due to repeating the same actions all the time. However, it’s necessary to remove old files in order to keep your folder clear and gain free space on your hard disk.
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IT projects have some similarities with industrial ones like budgets, deadlines but also have its differences like its flowness and unpredictable complexity. Many ways exist today to drive this kind of projects, perhaps the most used one is Waterfall methodology. It has been the standard for managing software development projects since it’s creation in the mid 20th century. However, the outcome was very disappointing.
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In scrum, only three roles exist: Product owner, Dev team and the scrum master.
While the product owner is responsible for driving the project and the dev team is in charge of realizing it, no one really knows exactly what the scrum master’s role is. Is he the one who animates the daily meetings, the poker plannings and retrospectives ? Or may be he is manager of the dev team?
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This guide is destined to help people visit the eastern coasts of Canada and United States. It will cover the following Cities: Montreal - Ottawa - TorontoNiagara Falls (Canadian & US Sides) - Chicago - Miami - Washington DC - New York. I will focus more on what you need to bring and how to travel from one place to another. I will only be suggesting how much time to spend in every town but it’s really up to you to choose what to see and do in every town. Finally, this guide is based on my personal experience and I’ll be happy to answer any questions you might have. If you like it, share it!
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It all started with this article posted by a good friend of mine about his way of implementing the factory pattern.

Although there is nothing to approach about his way, something kept itching me to write a second article about another design pattern that might fit in this situation as well.
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Yeah, i know … The first question that pops into your minds is: Doesn’t people get tired of writing this bla bla over and over again ?!! My Code is perfect and I don’t need no steps to tell me what to do and what not to do … Well , I believe that if our codes where so perfect we wouldn’t spend debugging it , creating break points and buying new keyboards !!
Come on, it won’t take you over 10 minutes to read and perhaps avoid looking like this.

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Bilel Msekni

I am a software engineer specialized in web development and agile practices

Software craftsman

France, Paris